Our Premises

Part of Formulation Creations’ core values is to be progressive and innovative. Hence we decided to place our lab in a public domain where we can meet and introduce the final consumers to the world of food science.
Due to the accessibility of information in our modern age, most people know what they are eating and why, but they do not get the chance to see the raw materials in their natural states and see them formulated into final products.
We offer this opportunity as our biochemist, analytical chemist and food technologist work at their lab stations in plain view behind a large glass facade in order for people on the street to get an insight into our world of food formulation.
We also run co-labs with our neighbouring coffee bars and restaurants where we will create an exciting, innovative snack or taster that complements the theme of their current promotions, like making Spumoni gelato for an Italian-themed lunch menu or flavouring coffee beans with spiced whiskey flavour for our local coffees bars.
These are some of the ways we believe we differentiate ourselves – presenting concepts to the general public that creates a memorable experience for them.
The lab not only exists as the hub for our innovation and creativity with all our flavours and ingredients, but also serves as a place where we can meet and discuss projects with our clients in a more relaxed and inspiring atmosphere. Whether it be in the lab boardroom, the coffee counter or even at one of the beautiful restaurants and coffee bars we are nestled amongst.

Co-labs with local food service establishments
On our journey of #bringingflavourtothepeople, we have the privilege of working with our local village coffee baristas and restauranteurs to show our latest and greatest flavours and ingredients in out-of-the-box concepts to their patrons. This not only creates a memorable experience for their customers but also allows us to tap into the end consumer's mind in assessing future or untapped trends.
Investing in the future of the Food Industry
Operating and thriving in the food industry is not the single ultimate goal of Formulation Creations. We strongly believe in the responsibility of sharing our resources, time and expertise with young upcoming bright minds who will inevitably take over the reins from us in the future.
We share the world of food science and flavour with students on all educational levels, ranging from primary school all the way up to tertiary level students.
From workshops with school science clubs to hosting students in our lab facility for experiential training opportunities, we aim to entice the best young minds to join the ranks of fellow food scientists.